Tuesday, April 3, 2007

illustration friday: green

a gnome hiding behind a mushroom with a green sky in the background. composite done in illustrator and photoshop


  1. lovely was just the word I was going to use! well, when it's lovely, it's lovely, i guess! :)

  2. very nice work here! a great atmospheric feeling!

  3. Awesome illo! I see why you love it more and more :) I do too!

    Happy Easter! :)


  4. I like this image. Its very fun and whimsical. I like the colors now better.

  5. What an interesting evolution of the piece. You've certainly been very faithful in seeing this project through.

    On a different note, I've scanned through your blog quickly. I didn't know what to expect. But it's interesting to see what work and thoughts you've decided to share coming from "a Christian artist" and how much of them have little or no overt connection to Christianity. Do you think it is important that viewers of your blog and illustrations know your spirituality? I am highly curious. I think it's wonderfully facsinating to see why people do what they do.

  6. Great Illustration, the water drops look real. You could almost see this in your backyard. Awsome job!

  7. Great picture, I can feel the rain.

  8. This is just lovely. The softness and imaginative subject go together perfectly.

  9. oh, i love your gnome and mushrooms! funny, i did mushrooms and and elfin-gnomey character this week too... must be a spring thing :) but, i have to say, i do like your mushrooms much more than mine... they've got very nice volume and shape!

  10. very cool, but I have to say that my favorite so far is the moon and blanket...
