Monday, September 19, 2011

friend moving to SF

a co-worker and friend is moving to SF. she is an art buyer and artist with a real eye for talent. she loves to wear warm colors like burnt orange and golden yellows. as a good-bye gift for her, i illustrated my gumdrop "person" with my friend's characteristics plus a few extra artsy flairs. here, she is happily framing herself in SF with the golden gate bridge in the background.


  1. Hello fellow Artist :),

    Was just checking out your portfolio (after my lengthy comment about "Pricing" at Linkedin). I saw this and I WISH I was moving to the Bay Area :(.
    "she loves to wear warm colors like burnt orange and golden yellows" are perfect colours for the Fall and Winters there :).
    One day I'll make it to a sleepy Beach Town with its Fog and hang at a Cafe and be content :).
    Its a cool little illustration that I'm sure your friend will cherish forever :D.
